Play Games Right Here!the History Of Video Games

No, it was the 30 minutes I spent in the game’s menu, right before initiating its game-ending trial, carefully putting the evidence together and assembling the case in my head. Underneath its mystic trappings, Paradise Killer is one of the best fair-play mysteries ever presented in gaming, a twisty-but-trackable tale of corruption, greed,. The call to battle has begun in these war games. Other players from around the world are waiting to challenge your military skills on battlefields that span the ages in our challenging strategy games. Travel through time to Ancient Greece where the soldiers of Sparta are considered among the fiercest on the planet.

Game History

Electronic games are changing how people play, learn, and connect with each other, including across boundaries of culture and geography. The International Center for the History of Electronic Games (ICHEG) develops exhibits and undertakes other activities to interpret the historical and cultural significance of video games and other electronic games to ensure that present and future generations can explore that history, understand how it began and evolved, and appreciate the impact that electronic games have on society.

Video Game History Timeline

View the video game history timeline. Many artifacts illustrated in the timeline reside in The Strong’s collections.

Interpreting the History of Electronic Games


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Electronic games are a rapidly evolving new form of play, and they are profoundly affecting not only how Americans play, but also how they learn and how they connect to each other. ICHEG is therefore interested in a wide range of questions and issues regarding electronic games.

Play Games Right Here The History Of Video Games Free

These questions and issues include but are not restricted to the following:

  • Where do electronic games come from? What is their history? How did they originate? What are the sources of inspiration for their stories and imagery? What popular forms of play paved the way for them?
  • How is playing electronic games similar to or different from previous types of play?
  • Who plays electronic games?
  • What is the educational impact of electronic games?
  • What is the social effect of electronic games? Do they isolate people or bring them together?
  • What is the effect of violence in electronic games? Does violence in electronic games cause violent behavior or prevent it?
  • What is the effect of electronic games on physical and mental health? Are they addictive or is gamers’ passion for electronic games similar to other players’ passion for other forms of play? What are the benefits of electronic games?
  • How are electronic games made? Who makes them? How does someone become a game designer? How are electronic games marketed?
  • What role should parents have in kids’ electronic game play?
  • What is the future of electronic games? How are they evolving? What forces are shaping them? Where are electronic games and gamers headed?

To aid the exploration of these questions and to help inform its long-term, interactive exhibit eGameRevolution and future exhibits at The Strong museum, the International Center for the History of Electronic Games has developed an interpretive framework that includes “Concentric Circles: A Lens for Exploring the History of Electronic Games.” This framework examines electronic games through a continual zooming back and forth of the lens of focus—from a tight focus on the games themselves, to a broader look at who makes the games and how they’re made, to a wider-angle view of their impact on players and society, to a panoramic consideration of electronic games through the lens of play.

Play Games Right Here The History Of Video Games Online

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History of Video Games

What? There was a time when there were no video games?

Video games are a relatively recent human invention when you consider how old games themselves are. While there is no exact date, historians estimate that the first known games (which some records show as the Royal Game of Ur and others, mancala) originated around 5000 B.C., over 7000 years ago! The earliest video game only dates back to the 1950's. So if we were to give video games an age on a human scale, they are the equivalent of newborn babies!

History of the Video Game

Video games

Exercise 1

Watch the GameHeadz video to the right and keep track of the major milestones in game development.

ATARI launches Pong

Taito launches Space Invaders

Atari launches Asteroids and then BattleZone in 3-D

Atari launches their home console with game cartridges in 1977


Atari bought, team split up, Activision launched to make cartridges (Pitfall)

PC Computers (Commodore, TI-99) allowed people to make their own games, if they had the skill.

Donkey Kong - We meet Mario

Nintendo Entertainment System (NES) launches

Mario Series


Duck Hunt

Launch of GameBoy in 1989

Exercise 2

Compare the reputation of arcades (like Funspot) to today's concerns over online gaming.


The Royal Game of Ur, Oriental Institute of the University of Chicago

GAMEHEADz from Discovery Channel