Celebrating Successeffective Curriculum Ideas

  1. During February, Black History Month, many churches produce programs for the congregation and community. Church program ideas for Black History Month can range from local exhibits and activities to road trips and seminars.
  2. Celebrating success isn’t necessarily just about you. It might be, but it can also give others the chance to join in with your celebration, be motivated and have a share in your success. And a good point to remember is you have to recognise your own success if you want other people to as well.

Black history is American history, but Black History Month provides the necessary opportunity to dig deeper. Every February, we can support students as they learn more, discover cultural impacts, and follow movements through to the present day. Since 1928, the Association for the Study of African.


A couple of weeks ago a conversation started in Girl Gang HQ that led us to diagnosing an epidemic: we're NOT celebrating our accomplishments.

Celebrating successeffective curriculum ideas 4th gradeSuccesseffective

We recognized that when we achieve a goal or reach a big milestone, rather than taking a moment to pause, swell with pride, and lavish ourselves with the pampering we deserve, we simply put our eyes on the next thing and keep marching forward.

This also came up at Gabrielle Bernstein’s recent London workshop. She mentioned that a woman asked her how she celebrated finishing a book and she realized: she doesn’t. She simply starts planning the next one.

Celebrating Successeffective Curriculum Ideas For Church

Perhaps this sounds like a best practice for someone with big dreams. Maybe it seems like the most “productive” option. But it’s actually detrimental to our wellness and future success. Never stopping to take a break and celebrate is a sure recipe for burn out. And not pausing to reflect doesn’t give us the chance to course correct and make sure that the path is leading us where we want to go.


Celebrating Successeffective Curriculum Ideas 4th Grade

Last week I had the pleasure of seeing Emma Watson interview Gloria Steinem and Gloria said something that really stuck with me: “Marx and Engels were good guys but they got one thing wrong: They said that the ends justify the means. In fact, the means ARE the end. So if we want humour and good food and dancing, we need humour and good food and dancing on the journey or we won’t have them in the end (not that there really is an end).'