Unit 4: Modern Middle East Mac's History

Unit 4: Modern Middle East Mac

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Unit 4: modern middle east mac

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Levine's World History Page! Here you will find resources for both standard and honors levels of classes - including general and unit information. As we journey through each unit over the course of this year, information, documents and power points from, and relating to, class will be added here for you to use.

Tapestry of Grace™ Year 4 is your guide from 1900 to the present day.

Explore the 20th Century, from the turn of the Century to today. Tapestry of Grace™ is the award-winning homeschool curriculum that uses the history of the world to guide your whole family through an amazing humanities education. Want to know more? Explore Tapestry with video introductions and free samples!

  • Human history, also known as world history, is the description of humanity's past.It is informed by archaeology, anthropology, genetics, linguistics, and other disciplines; and, for periods since the invention of writing, by recorded history and by secondary sources and studies.
  • Early Middle Eastern civilization developed great cities, and cities continue to play an important role in the life of the region. The largest city of the Middle East is Cairo, the capital of Egypt. Founded by Arab conquerors in the A.D. 900's, it has a population of about 6 million in the city proper and some 14 million in its metropolitan area.

Unit 4: Modern Middle East Mac's History Drive

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Tapestry works for your whole family.

K–3rd graders get opportunities for lots of hands-on projects, storybooks, and read-alouds. 4th–6th graders get more independent work and interesting chapter books. 6th–9th graders get in more challenging assignments that help them make vital learning connections. 10th–12th graders get worldview discussions that will help them to succeed in life. Dad gets a family that is all on the same page, so he can lead them in a single educational conversation, and you get confidence and help to take your family on the adventure of the homeschoooling journey.

Unit 4: Modern Middle East Mac's History Of Events

What does Tapestry cover? Quite a lot! Take a look at this Scope & Sequence Chart for a broad overview of topics covered in Year 4 of Tapestry... and remember, each topic is taught to your child at the learning-level appropriate for them!

Want more info? Check out the following helpful pdf documents:

  • Year 4 Credits and Course Descriptions

Unit 4: Modern Middle East Mac
Rhetoric Level StudiesGrammar/DIALECTIC
HistoryLiteratureGovernmentPhilosophy Church HistoryBeyond History
  • Presidents Roosevelt, Taft, Wilson, Harding, and Coolidge
  • Age of Innocence
  • Progressivism
  • World War I
  • Russian Revolution & Red Scare
  • The Roaring 20's and Ballyhoo
  • Rise of Stalin and Hitler
  • Prohibition & Speculation
  • Major Poets and Short Story Writers: Regionalists, Realists, Imagists, Yeats, WWI poets, Frost, Eliot
  • The Cherry Orchard (Chekhov)
  • All Quiet on the Western Front (Remarque)
  • Animal Farm (Orwell)
  • Metamorphosis (Kafka)
  • The following literary concepts and tools for studying them are taught and used in many different weeks throughout the year-plan for story analysis, drama analysis, and poetry analysis:
  • Literary vocabulary
  • Modes
  • Topics
  • Themes
  • Genres
  • Devices
  • Techniques
  • Texture
  • Characters
  • Artistry
  • Plots
  • Settings
  • Style
  • Worldviews (Modernism and Postmodernism) and worldview analysis
  • Historical literary movements
  • Authors' lives
  • Supreme Court v. state legislatures
  • The income tax
  • Wartime statism
  • Leninism
  • Free speech in wartime
  • Women's suffrage
  • Volstead Act
  • KKK v. private schools
  • Einstein
  • Dewey
  • Fundamentalism
  • Yeats & the Zeitgeist
  • Freud
  • Wittgenstein
  • Barth
  • Revivalism: Samuel P. Jones, Benjamin Mills
  • Protestant liberalism and the Social Gospel movement
  • Fundamentalism
  • Billy Sunday
  • The Screwtape Letters (C.S. Lewis)
  • Hands-on activities reinforce history topics
  • Geography threads include maps and activities tied to history
  • Historical fiction and picture books reinforce all studies
  • Vocabulary words given weekly for grammar students reinforce history and literature studies
  • Follow-up worksheets are given for books read as literature most weeks
  • The history of artistic styles is woven into history lessons
  • Weekly writing assignments are keyed to history topics
  • Many grammar students enjoy Lampstand Press lapbook products which parallel and reinforce weekly History topics
  • Dialectic students may choose to reinforce their work using time lines.
  • Some topics in church history vary with the learning level.
  • In Year 4, younger students study lighter topics of the century, while older ones face tougher issues head on.
  • Presidents Hoover, FDR and Truman
  • The Great Depression
  • Hitler, Stalin, and totalitarianism
  • Expansionism and appeasement
  • World War II
  • Just War theory
  • The Communist Bloc and the start of the Cold War
  • Birth of Israel
  • Survey of the Middle East
  • The Great Gatsby (Fitzgerald)
  • The Pearl (Steinbeck)
  • The Glass Menagerie (Williams)
  • Major Poets and Short Story Writers: Modernist poets, the Lost Generation, Cummings, Faulkner
  • The Old Man and the Sea (Hemingway)
  • The Chosen (Potok)
  • Consequences of Prohibition
  • Hoover's vain call for limited government
  • Expanding federal power
  • Legality of Japanese internment during war
  • Compulsory pledge of allegiance
  • Barth
  • Wittgenstein
  • Humanist Manifesto
  • Heidegger
  • Bonhoeffer
  • Dietrich Bonhoeffer
  • The Hiding Place (Corrie ten Boom)
  • Overview of revivalism, Pentecostalism, and neo-orthodoxy
  • Optional: Israeli Independence Day
  • Gandhi and Indian Independence
  • Mao's China
  • Presidents Eisenhower, JFK, and LBJ
  • Korean War
  • King & civil rights in America
  • 1950's culture of conformity
  • Technological advances & the Space Race
  • Events of the Cold War
  • 1960's American culture
  • Vietnam War & protest
  • Hippie & women's movements
  • Siddhartha (Hesse)
  • To Live (Chinese film)
  • Waiting for Godot (Beckett)
  • Major Poets and Short Story Writers: the Beats, the Black Mountain Poets, Flannery O'Connor
  • Fahrenheit 451 (Bradbury)
  • To Kill A Mockingbird (Lee)
  • The Crucible (Miller)
  • Quotations from Mao
  • Limits of Executive power
  • McCarthyism and due process
  • Brown v. Board of Education
  • Reinterpretations of religious liberty
  • Student war protest as 'free speech'
  • Gandhi
  • Popper
  • Sartre
  • Quine
  • Kuhn
  • The Normal Christian Life (Watchman Nee)
  • Billy Graham and revivalism
  • God's Smuggler (Brother Andrew)
  • Presidents Nixon, Ford, Carter, Reagan, G.H.W. Bush, Clinton, G.W. Bush, and Obama
  • Rise of modern Middle East & Islamic terrorism
  • Cultural and demographic changes in U.S. society
  • 9/11 and the Iraq War
  • Summing up human history
  • I, Robot* (Asimov)
  • Citizen of the Galaxy (Heinlein)
  • The Hobbit (Tolkien)
  • Roe v. Wade
  • Campaign finance reform and its loopholes
  • Affirmative action
  • Flag-burning
  • Religious liberty
  • Enemy combatant cases
  • Bush v. Gore
  • Qutb
  • Feyerabend
  • Derrida
  • Deconstruction
  • Conclusion of the Pageant
  • Choice of three tracks:
  • Light Force (Brother Andrew)
  • Study of your own denomination
  • Study of a foreign region with a view toward a short-term missions trip

*Indicates that students read selections from this work.

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The Exploring Africa! curriculum is divided into units, modules, and learning activities. Each unit covers a major topic or theme in the study of Africa, which is then divided into thematic, disciplinary, regional, or country modules. Each module is comprised of learning activities, which are each aligned to the Common Core State Standards. The learning activities in each module vary in length of time needed for completion. Both students and teachers should feel free to navigate through the units, modules, and learning activities autonomously, or communally with a class, study partner, or teacher. Feel free to select one or two learning activities from a module, or complete all of the learning activities in the order in which they are presented.

For students, Exploring Africa!can be a wonderful learning tool, right at your fingertips. You may guide yourself through the informative lessons and interactive learning activities.

For teachers, we offer an Exploring Africa Lesson Plans digital booklet in our store if you want to bring Exploring Africa! into your classroom. The Exploring Africa Lesson Plans digital booklet consists of numerous lesson plans designed around our curriculum, and includes homework sheets, information sheets, and additional helpful text and information to supplement your lesson plans. Each lesson plan is only one way to teach this curriculum, so please feel free to adapt each lesson to your unique classrooms as needed. Once you have purchased the lessons you can access them here: http://exploringafrica.matrix.msu.edu/curriculum/lesson-plans-3

Unit One: Why Study Africa

Module OneExploring the Diversity of Africa
Module TwoLearning about Africa
Module ThreeExamining Africa’s Diversity
Module FourExamining Africa’s Global Connections
Module FiveLooking Back

Unit Two: Studying Africa through the Social Studies

Module SixAfrican Geography
Module SevenA. African History until 1500
B. African History 1500 to the Present
Module EightCulture and Society in Africa
Module NineAfrican Economies
Module TenAfrican Politics and Government

Unit Three: Studying Africa through the Humanities

Module ElevenAfrican Literatures
Module TwelveAfrican Art
Module ThirteenAfrican Music
Module FourteenReligion in Africa
Module FifteenAfrica and the World

Unit Four: Regional Perspectives

Module SixteenNorth Africa
Module SeventeenWest Africa
Module EighteenCentral Africa
Module NineteenEast Africa
Module TwentySouthern Africa

Unit Five: Country Case Studies

Module Twenty OneEgypt
Module Twenty TwoEthiopia
Module Twenty ThreeSenegal
Module Twenty FourGhana
Module Twenty FiveNigeria
Module Twenty SixTanzania
Module Twenty SevenCongo
Module Twenty EightKenya
Module Twenty NineSouth Africa
Module ThirtyZimbabwe

Additional Curriculum

South Africa: Overcoming Apartheid, Building Democracy

The African Studies Center and MATRIX digital humanities center at Michigan State University have created an online curriculum resource about South Africa with multimedia primary materials, including many interviews and video clips.