Pirate Gameelementary P.e. Games

Pirates of the Caribbean is a Standards-based Chasing & Fleeing game that is perfect for your PE program. It allows students to focus on developing simple offensive and defensive strategies. This game can be played in your gym or outdoors.

  1. Pirate Game Elementary P.e. Games Youtube
  2. Pirate Game Elementary P.e. Games For Girls
  1. Game Description: Pirates & Sailors gives pirates a chance to try to tag sailors by chasing them with a pool noodle! If a sailor gets tagged, he must go into the pirate ship (prison). Sailors are safe in their own ships, but can only stay in them for 3 seconds.
  2. A pirate can only steal 1 piece of gold at a time (i.e. When a pirate leaves the center circle, he can only return with one ball, no matter how close or far he has to go to get it). If a pirate is tagged by a sailor once he has left the pirate ship, then the sailor has the right to take him to ANY PRISON he wants to (i.e.

This Pirate Party game is a variation on Captain Says. The room (needs to be a hall) becomes a ship, the front end is bow, the rear is the stern, port is the left side and the other starboard. The leader shouts locations and the children all have to run to the right place. FREE Pirate Tag Directions FREEBIE Do you celebrate International Talk Like a Pirate Day on September 19th with your students? I like to celebrate the whole week long and this is one my favorite games to play with my students for P.E. Students not only learn parts of a ship but they have fun run.


If you are looking for information on how I use this game in my teaching, be sure to check out the Chasing & Fleeing Games Teacher Pack!

Quick Rules

Create a playing area with three zones: the main playing zone (Treasure Island), an endzone on one edge of the playing zone (the Beach), and a smaller, square-shaped zone within the playing zone (the Treasure Cave). Place a box somewhere on the Beach (the Booty Box) and beanbags inside the Treasure Cave (Treasure pieces).

Have all students stand inside the Beach. These students are Adventurers.

Select two students who will start off as Pirates. Each Pirates is given a pinnie to wear and a shortened pool noodle (Sword) to tag adventurers with.

On the teacher’s signal, play begins.

Adventurers attempt to make their way to the Treasure Cave, take one piece of Treasure, bring it back to the Beach and place it in the Booty Box. They keep doing so until there is no more Treasure within the Treasure Cave.

Meanwhile, Pirates attempt to tag any Adventurer who steps onto Treasure Island. Pirates cannot tag players who are on the Beach or in the Treasure Cave.

If an Adventurer is tagged, they must remain frozen on place. If they were holding onto a piece of Treasure when they were tagged, they must give it to the Pirate who tagged them (who will return it to the Treasure Cave).

Frozen players become unfrozen if a fellow Adventurer take them by the hand and brings them to the Beach. When an Adventurer is being brought to the Beach, both the rescuer and the rescuee cannot be tagged by Pirates.

Play continues until there is no Treasure left in the Treasure Cave or until all of the Adventurers are frozen.


Build One: Treasure Island

Introduce Treasure Island one element at a time. Start off by having all of the players stand on the Beach. On your signal, they move into the playing area to “explore” Treasure Island. When the teacher calls “BEACH!” the Adventurers must run back to the Beach as quickly as possible. After a few turns of this, add the Treasure Cave to the playing area. Have students move from the Beach to the Treasure Cave as quickly as possible and remind them that those two areas are safe zones.

Build Two: Treasure Grab

Now add beanbags to the Treasure Cave that will serve as pieces of Treasure and a box on the Beach that will serve as the Booty Box. Have Adventurers collect all of the Treasure from the Treasure Cave by running to the cave, taking one piece of Treasure, and then running back to the Beach and placing that Treasure in the Booty Box. Adventurers keep going until all of the Treasure has been collected. Time them as they do this once and then reset the game and have the Adventurers do it again while attempting to beat their previous time.

Build Three: Pirates

Select a few players to be Pirates and play the full version of the game as detailed in the Quick Rules description above.

Build Four: The Cursed Ship

Add a new playing zone on Treasure Island to serve as the Cursed Ship. Place a foam die and hula hoops within the Cursed Ship. Now if an Adventurer is tagged, they must move to the Cursed Ship and roll the die. If they roll an even number, they are free to return to play. If they roll an odd number, they must take a hula hoop, stand inside of it and shuffle their way across Treasure Island because they are now a Zombie. Zombie attempt to tag Adventurers and must respect the same playing area as the Pirates. If an Adventurer is tagged by a Zombie, the two players exchange roles. Play continues until the Adventurers have collected all of the Treasure or until they have all been turned into Zombies!

Grade Level Outcomes

Pirate Game Elementary P.e. Games Youtube

Applies simple offensive strategies/ tactics in chasing and fleeing activities. (S2.E5.4a)

Applies simple defensive strategies/ tactics in chasing and fleeing activities. (S2.E5.4b)

Discussion Questions

How do you successfully avoid being tagged in this game?

Pirate game elementary p.e. games youtube

How do you successfully tag other players?

What information do you use in this game to help guide your decisions and actions?

Safety Information

Pirates must use soft tags (not hits) when tagging Adventurers.

All players should keep their eyes up at all times.

Treasure may never be thrown.

Equipment Requirements

Pirate game elementary p.e. games for girls



Foamies (Shortened Pool Noodles)



Foam Die


Original Pirate Party Games for Children’s Pirate parties – all you need to organise the best ever Pirate Themed birthday party.

See Also

Pirate Show *Pirate Speak * Pirate Games * Pirate Food * Pirate Party Ideas * Pirate Games Book

Just click on the image to find more pirate party games

You’ve got a whole crew of swashbuckling pirates, not to mention the odd princess. They are all excited, and you are going to have to organise some suitable pirate party games, but fear not, and never underestimate a child’s imagination. Games for pirate parties can be adaptations of traditional games, and there is the advantage that everyone already knows how to play them: they just need to be adapted into Pirate Games for children.

If you want something more exciting and original, then allow me to suggest the Professor Paradox Book of Pirate Party Games: Loads of original ideas, great games, and pirate lore to keep you and the little sailors entertained.

Pirate Themed Traditional Party Games

Captain Says

A straightforward adaptation of Simon Says. An adult, or one of the children, is the leader. The leader tells everyone what to do; Captain says run on the spot, Captain says hands on heads, Captain says swap places with the person next to you, etc. Occasionally the leader misses out ‘Captain says’ – anyone who does the action is out.

Freezin Pirates

This is musical statues in pirate gear and it works much better if you use pirate music. If you want to burn off a bit of energy don’t be too quick turning the music off.

Treasure Hunt

Simply hide pieces of eight (chocolate coins) around the room hall or garden, or do something more elaborate with clues and a treasure map. Don’t make it too difficult or some children will get bored and drop out.

Seasick Sailors

A game for slightly older pirates that the boys will love. Sit the children down facing a chair. Each Pirate gets a turn to go round the back of the chair and face the audience. He or she holds the back of the chair as if it is the rail of a ship, and sways around as if on a ship, then pretends to be sick over the side. How delightful, but some children will enjoy the opportunity for realistic throwing up acting, and this is all good practice for wood be Hollywood stars. And don’t forget that some of the princesses will want to join in too – this isn’t just a Pirate Party Game. A prize of course for the most realistic!

Treasure Islands

An adaptation of musical chairs – place non-slip mats or sheets of paper on the floor and call them Treasure Islands. Swim in between and splash for an island when the music stops. Only one pirate on each island, and of course you take one island away each time

Pass the Booty

With suitable pirate themes is an easy adaptation of pass the parcel but if you have a look at the pirate party games book, you’ll find a much better version.

One Leg Jake

A short simple game – see who can stand on one leg with hands on hips the longest without overbalancing. Fairly easy – now try with your eyes closed! Last man (or girl) standing is the winner

Walk the plank

A pirate game for younger children. Place a sturdy, but fairly narrow, plank of wood on a couple of bricks to raise it above the floor. Pirates have to walk the plank without overbalancing. Fairly easy, now try it with an eye patch on. Still easy, now with hands behind your back…. A prize for everyone who makes it to the other end.

Captain’s Coming


This Pirate Party game is a variation on Captain Says. The room (needs to be a hall) becomes a ship, the front end is bow, the rear is the stern, port is the left side and the other starboard. The leader shouts locations and the children all have to run to the right place. Now add in other commands: boom coming over – lie down; sharks – freeze; captains coming – stand to attention and salute, man overboard – lie down and swim; man the lifeboats – sit down and row.. Add more variations as you go along cannonball – roll up in a ball etc. Next introduce the rule that after sharks (freeze) everyone stays frozen and all other commands should be ignored until the leader says ‘Captains Coming’. Anyone breaking the rule is out.

Pin the Eyepatch on the Pirate

A pirate version of pin the tail on the donkey. You’ll need a cardboard cut out pirate obtainable from party shops and you can pin on an eye patch, hat, pistol, sword or anything you like. A beard can have amusing results for the watching adults!

And how about a ‘Talk like a pirate’ competition: with a suitable pirate present for the winner? For some reason pirates talk in a broad Somerset accent and say oooooh aaaarrrgh a lot!
And when you’ve done that you can follow it up with a ‘Talk like a Parrot’ competition – maybe the winner gets a bag of birdseed (perhaps nuts would be more appealing)

Don’t forget you’ll need lots of pirate prizes but stickers and chocolate coins will do just fine.

The Very Best Pirate Party Games

The professor Paradox Book of Pirate Party Games . Click on the image to find out more

Now these are a few basic examples, but if you want to some really good Pirate Party Games, you’ll need the Pirate Party Games Book, for which you will need to part with a very small amount of treasure. I used to give this stuff away for free, but after I put this site up about twelve years ago, I just got fed up with my ideas being pirated and ending up on other people’s websites. So I wrote a really great book of Pirate Party Games with over three dozen games, many of them new and original, along with Pirate lore and history and even explanations of the educational value of Pirate Party Games and how they came to be invented. Click the image for more details.

Pirate Gameelementary P.e. Games

Or you can preview the book here

Pirate Game Elementary P.e. Games For Girls

See Also

pirate party ideas * pirate party food * birthday party ideas