Introducing The Weebly Dashboard For Chrome

Welcome to Introduction to Machine Learning Problem Framing! This course helps you frame machine learning (ML) problems. This course does not cover how to implement ML or work with data. Estimated Course Length: 1 hour Objectives: Define common ML terms. Weebly for Hosts is a turnkey solution that requires minimal IT implementation and management on the part of hosting customers, and features a centralized dashboard that allows hosts to add staff and manage permissions, as well as comprehensive customer support provided by Weebly. Weebly: Logo & expandable sign-up form in footer: Free subdomain: 0.5 GB: The ad-bar at the bottom of the page could be less intrusive. Other than that there’s little not to like about Weebly. Ucraft: Logo button in footer: Free subdomain: Unlimited: The only one to let you connect a domain name for free. Limited to 15 individual pages.

Trusted by 30 Million people worldwide!

If you are in business or about to be, chances are you need to create a web presence. A website is your business window to the world.

You do not need to know coding to build a beautiful website! Bring your vision to life with Weebly and get your business online.

Introducing The Weebly Dashboard For Chrome

In this three hour workshop, for beginers or pros, you will learn how you can plan, create, publish, and grow your business website, using Weebly, one of the top and surprisingly easy yet powerful website builders of today.


Bring Your Computer and Learn How to:

  • Create an acount
  • Select and purchase your domain name
  • Desing and build with modern & responsive themes
  • Use ready-made building blocks
  • Quickly layout your pages, add text, and images to your site
  • Publish you site
  • Be found by search engines like Google, Yahoo! and Bing
  • Track and measure your success from your own reporting dashboard
  • Utilize an easy-to-follow guide full of tips to help you get your site highly ranked
  • Take advantage of Weebly's hosting capabilities and plans

If you know how to operate a computer and are comfortable with a mouse and a keyboard, you are good to go.

By having an online presence you can help poeple find you!

Introducing The Weebly Dashboard For Chrome

Instructor: Fermin Alvarez, Program Manager at Renaissance Entrepreneurship Center


Funded in part through a cooperative agreement with the U.S. Small Business Administration. All opinions, conclusions, or recommendations expressed are those of the author(s) and do not necessarily reflect the view of the SBA. All SBA programs or cosponsored programs are extended to the public on a nondiscriminatory basis. Reasonable accommodations for persons with disabilities will be made, if requested at least 2 weeks in advance. Contact: Fermin Alvarez,, (510) 759 9421

0% Interest, No Fees

Introducing The Weebly Dashboard For Chrome Extension

The Kiva Zip community provides access to 0% interest loans and a community passionate about helping entrepreneurs. With over a million lenders, corporate sponsors, and local governments, our network will help you find the resources you need to grow your business.

17 Steps from Login to Publishing your first Weebly website with Sibername

17 Steps from Login to Publishing your first Weebly website with Sibername

When you register a domain name with Sibername you will have access to our weebly website builder through your user area . You will also be able to change the theme logo and background image easily. Please follow the steps below to access your website builder and make these changes. You will also learn how to search for an image by using Google Image search and how to publish your website after reading this blog.

1 – Login: First, you should login to your SiberName user dashboard through

2 – In order to login, please enter your email address and your password to login.

3 – Select the Domain Name: You will access to the SiberName user dashboard. Select the domain name you want to start the website builder. Since my account has multiple domains and I scroll down my domains list to select for starting the website builder.

4 –Go to Builder! After selecting the domain name, click Go to Builder! to start your Website Builder Session. Please note you can start this session from multiple computers at the same time. All will be functional. Make sure someone else is not also editing the site at the same time.

5 – Select the Theme: Browse through the themes and select the one you like. Please note we will change the background easily and therefore just select a layout you like. We will edit all offered by default easily.The theme i select is called NECTUR.

6 – Weebly Dashboard: Weebly Dashboard will be opened and NECTUR theme will be displayed. Now we can start building our home page:

7 – Changing Logo: We can use text or an image for this part. Since I like to add my logo in an image format, I will toggle to the Logo option. You need to click on NECTUR text to open up this window.

8 – Uploading Logo: I have my logo in my computer. You can also use an http address to access your logo image. I will upload the logo from my computer by dragging and dropping it to the area show.

9-Replacing the Text with Logo: Here we can see the Logo has replaced the NECTUR text.

10 –Finding the right image for background: Strawberry is not something that represent our company and services. I will replace it with an image of Aronia Berry which is our product is made of. I will find the image and click on dit Background to replace this image.

11 –Google Image Search and There are many ways to find a stock image. In this case I show how to find an image by using Google Image search. I search the google image by using the keyword Aronia Berry. You can also try for free stock images with high resolution.

12 – Replacing the background image: Selected the one below because the size is suitable as a background image. Visit the website and download the image. This is the Image we have downloaded and will use for our home page background. After clicking on Save button, it will replace the Strawberry image. Make sure the image has required permissions to be used and not copyright protected.

13 –
After downloading this image to your computer, click on the background image with strawberry to access Edit Background command.

14 –Select the image downloaded. Make sure the doted area is suitable for the background image. If not move the image or edit it to fit. When the image is ready, click to Save button on top right.

Introducing The Weebly Dashboard For Chrome Browser

15 – Now the strawberry image is replaced by Aronia image we chose.

16 –Publish your website: Now we can publish our first page. Click on Publish button. It will start uploading your page to the webspace we provide through your webhosting service. First 5 page is free with every domain name registered with us.

17 –Your website is published: And your website is published. It should be available on the internet when you type in or the domain you choose after this step. There might e a delay of few hours depending on your domain name. Please consult with our support department through if it is delayed for more than 6 hours.

Congratulations. You can even share it via twitter.