7 Resources For Using Star Wars In The Classroom

Thanks to new additions to the Star Wars universe, including the popular Clone Wars television series, and the recently announced sequel, whole new generations of fans are still discovering Star Wars nearly 40 years later. While it would be a stretch to call the sci-fi series educational, there are certainly lessons we can take from Star Wars. 6 History: Star Wars and Dam Busters. 7 Politics: Democracy versus Dictatorship. 8 For Computer Science Week 2015 you can Build a galaxy with code. 9 PE: Star Wars Jedi Dodgeball. 10 For younger children you can encourage fluent reading aloud with the droids. 11 This poster uses Star Wars to help with classroom management morale and behaviour. I teach 3rd grade acceleration (3rd & 4th grade math together) and I do a zoo map for area and perimeter. They have to create buildings for different animals using rectangles (but they can add multiple rectangles together to make odd shaped buildings and then have to determine perimeter (pretty easy) and area by finding the area of each rectangle and then adding them together.

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Math Projects

Compiled By: Gotta Java
Math projects can be used as extension activities, student differentiation, and extra credit. Here are some examples.
Math Curse
Posted by:JudyW #142934

My students had a blast making a book by writing their own problems similar to those found in the book, The Math Curse. I read it to them and then asked them to think about how math was used in their daily lives. Some of them wrote really cute paragraphs and even did illustrations.
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Geometry Photography
Posted by:Lynne in VA #131497

If you have access to digital cameras, have your class hunt for plane shapes in the school, photograph them, and identify them. This can also work with line relationships...perpendicular lines in the corners and on cinder blocks and floor and ceiling tiles, parallel lines from the same places, and intersecting lines almost anywhere. Later you can add the three-D shapes to your display as well as angles found and identified.
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Geometry Map Project
Posted by:ejs #131498

This is an assignment I gave to my middle school students:
Geometry Map Project
Angles, Lines and Triangles
Your task is to design a map that includes several different kinds of lines, angles and triangles. Your map can be of a town, your neighborhood or a made up place. It must however include the following:
- Two sets of streets that are parallel
- Two sets of streets that are perpendicular
- One street that intersects another streets to form an obtuse angle
- One street intersects another to form an acute angle
- One street that is a line segment
- One street that is a line
- One street that is a ray
- An ice cream parlor in the shape of an equilateral triangle
- A Pool that is in the shape of a...
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Math Projects
Posted by:camp823 #142935

I have done the million dollar project (they have to spend $1 million on things in catalogs, newspapers etc.)- helps with subtraction and decimals (if you don't round the numbers).
Cafeteria Surveys (they come up with 5 questions to ask 50 people about what food, decorations, schedules they would like to see in the cafeteria. They graph their results.
Geometry project (they find 20 geometric figures in the 'real world' from either magazines, newspapers, or they can take photographs. They have to put them on a poster. The objects cannot be drawn and have to be real object.
Newspaper Scavenger hunt (the kids find items like decimals, fractions, percents, ordinal numbers etc. in the newspaper, cut them out and make an original design of all of their findings.) I have had kids make a poster, but some are more creative and...
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Zoo Map
Posted by:a_chan #142936

I teach 3rd grade acceleration (3rd & 4th grade math together) and I do a zoo map for area and perimeter. They have to create buildings for different animals using rectangles (but they can add multiple rectangles together to make odd shaped buildings and then have to determine perimeter (pretty easy) and area by finding the area of each rectangle and then adding them together.
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Math Projects
Posted by:camp823 #142940

There is the always popular Million dollar project. The kids have to buy items worth a million dollars. This helps with subtracting across zeros and/or adding decimals.
For geometry I have the kids find geometric shapes in the environment. They can take pictures or cut them out of a magazine. I usually give them a list of 20 geometric terms.
You could read 'The Greedy Triangle' to the class and have them create their own book based on geometric shapes. At the end of 'the greedy triangle' they have activities to do with younger kids. I make my students include an activity to do with a kinder kid. We set aside a day where my students will read to the kinder class.
For proportions I have the kids recreate their bedroom on a smaller scale. (example:1 foot=1 inch). They can do this...
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Stock Market Project
Posted by:teacher333 #142941

We are currently doing a Stock project, where the students pick a stock they want to follow, such as McDonald's, Toys R Us, Great Adventure, etc. They make a brochure for prospective investors during their computer class time with the computer instructor; they graph the sales f the stock over a 6 week period; figure out the amount of stock they could buy with X amount of money; learn when a stock splits what it means. This incorporates a lot, such as math, reading, newspaper in the classroom, watching the stock reports on TV, comparing and contrasting, etc.
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Geometric Town
Posted by:bokajosu #142944

I had my fifth grade class create a town for our geometry unit. They had to come up with a theme for the town and everything had to relate to that team (names of buildings, streets, etc.). They had a set of requirements for their map - so many parallel streets, perpendicular streets, intersecting streets, use 10 geometric shapes for the builings, have a park with a circular sandbox, triangular swingset, and a rectangular pool. All the dimensions were given. They used rulers, protractors, and a compass. There was a sheet with all the requirements and a score sheet to give a grade. They got very creative and really did a nice job with it. Sorry I can't give exact details. My papers are all in school. I did get it somewhere online. We worked on the project at the end of the classs periods if we finished up early.
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Restaurant Menu Project
Posted by:luv2teachkids #142945

You could have the kids design a menu for a themed restaurant. You could set the criteria for how many of each type of item (appetizers, beverages, main dishes, etc.) they have to have. Then they could write word problems using their menu. It could be very basic, just adding prices of different items, to more complex problems, like figuring the cost of a meal for you and a friend plus tax or figuring the cost of the meal for your grandma with her senior discount of 10%.
When I did this with middle school students, they really got into the theme, and I saw everything from Star Wars themed diners to Italian restaurants to a Math Cafe.
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Fraction Mosaic
Posted by:1956BD #142946

For fractions they could create a mosaic using exactly 100 pieces. These could be seeds, different colored squares of construction paper, ... Then write the fractions and maybe percentages of each color or seed on the back to evaluate mathematically.
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Design Your Dream House
Posted by:Tex #142947

I have a project called 'Design Your Dream House.'
In a nutshell, the kids draw a 2D version of what the front of their house will look like. They must include at least 4 windows, and two doors. All lines must be drawn with a ruler and must be in CMs. Students must then determine the perimeter and area of each window and door. they must also do the same for the front of the house...perimeter and area. They must then convert these measurements to MMs. Eash dimension must be noted in typical drafting fasion. Houses must be neatly colored and students may add addtional features. As enrichment, I have my high students draw room layouts.
The kids have fun with it...especially the shape of the houses. I then have the kids grade their own papers using a rubric, they staple it to the...
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With the release of the new Star Wars trailer I thought this would be a great opportunity to use the film franchise to inspire learning.
Star Wars Scene Maker (this app is rated 9+ on the App Store so you're looking at upper KS2)

First things first, this app does have a great deal of potential but at a cost. For me, I will make the most of the free elements before deciding whether to purchase extra scenes, characters and weapons etc. I think that there is enough to play with initially without having to purchase these extras.
Basically the app allows you to create and direct your own scenes by selecting characters and giving them commands. 7 resources for using star wars in the classroom environmentThis links nicely to creating algorithms and instructions and allows the children to watch their action unfold straight away. Classroom

A collection of downloadable worksheets, exercises and activities to teach Star Wars, shared by English language teachers. Welcome to ESL Printables, the website where English Language teachers exchange resources: worksheets, lesson plans, activities, etc. If you are looking for ways to bring “Star Wars” into your classroom using some of the thousands of articles The Times has published since the first movie debuted in 1977, we offer teaching ideas for subjects across the curriculum — from analyzing Yoda’s syntax to investigating the economic consequences of destroying the Death Star.

As you can see above, there is a great deal of flexibility in terms of the commands available and a lot of freedom for children to create their own scenes.

You can also add dialogue by recording your voice for each of the characters and one of the most exciting parts of the app for me is the ability to add effects to your voice, such as making it sound like a Stormtrooper or Darth Vader! It's such a simple idea and works really well.

When you have decided what is going to happen in your scene and have made sure all of the characters and vehicles etc know what they are doing, you can record it.

7 Resources For Using Star Wars In The Classroom Game

This gives you the chance to be a director as you can choose your camera angles and change between them very easily. Again, this freedom makes the whole process very engaging and forces you to think carefully about how you want to show your story. George Lucas watch out.
Once the scene has been created you can now add the finishing touches, like the classic Star Wars opening crawl, soundtrack and end credits.

7 Resources For Using Star Wars In The Classroom Theme

What you are left with is a really polished, professional looking movie, which can then be used to inspire writing! Asking the children to write the story of the scene they have created gives them ownership and also guidance in that the storyline itself has already been decided. This means they can concentrate fully on their descriptive writing and they can even watch and rewatch their scene to help them.

7 Resources For Using Star Wars In The Classroom Environment

I will be trying this with my Year 5 class after half term and we will see what they come up with!

7 Resources For Using Star Wars In The Classroom Games

Thanks for reading.